The Lawton Athletic Code

Following is a complete copy of the Athletic Code, which all Lawton student-athletes are responsible for reviewing.

In order to participate in practices or competitions, the student-athlete must be in school for AT LEAST Achievement hour and the last two (2) periods of the day.


Representing Lawton Community Schools in interscholastic athletic competition is a privilege and not a right. Students who participate in Lawton's interscholastic athletic program are expected to represent the highest ideals of character by exemplifying good conduct, good citizenship, and good sportsmanship. Lawton athletes are also expected to engage in good training habits, which include abstaining from the use of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs. Separate and apart from a student's performance as an athlete, the student's conduct, citizenship, sportsmanship, and training habits reflect at all times on the student athlete, his or her team, our school, and our community. Accordingly, the Board of Education establishes this Athletic Code for all students who aspire to participate in interscholastic athletics as representatives of the Lawton Community Schools.

Athletic Code

** All athletes are required to have a current physical on file with the athletic department before competing in any athletic event or practice.

Enforcing The Athletic Code: Due Process And Appeal

In the event that there is reason to believe that a student athlete has violated the Athletic code of Conduct, the following procedures shall be employed:

I. The Athletic Director And Principal

  • The Athletic Director (A.D.) and the Principal are responsible for ensuring that athletes adhere to the Athletic Code. Should the A.D. and Principal have reason to believe that a violation may have occurred; the A.D. and Principal shall investigate the circumstances.

  1. The Investigation: In the event it is alleged there was a violation of the Athletic Code, the A.D. and Principal shall conduct an investigation. This investigation may include discussion with the athlete in question. If the investigation results in the A.D. and Principal believing that there was a violation of the Athletic Code, the A.D. shall reduce the charges to writing. The charges shall (1) state the facts establishing the basis for the A.D. and Principal's belief that the Athletic Code was violated; (2) state the penalty proposed by the A.D. and Principal; and (3) advise the athlete that the athlete shall be given the opportunity for a hearing in the event the athlete disagrees with the charges. The charges shall be given to the athlete and, where appropriate, to the athlete's parents.

  2. The hearing: In the event the athlete does not agree with the written charges of the A.D. and Principal, the athlete shall be entitled to a hearing before the Athletic Council before the charges and the penalty proposed in the charges are imposed. The athlete must submit a written request for a hearing to the A.D. within three (3) school days after he / she receives the written charges from the A.D. The athlete's failure to follow this procedure will terminate the right to a hearing. The hearing shall be held as soon as it can be reasonably scheduled, but not later than five (5) school days after the athlete requests a hearing in writing. The purpose of the hearing is to determine if a violation was committed and, if so, to render discipline as stated in the Athletic Code. At the hearing, the A.D. shall state the charges, may call witnesses, or allow the student to answer the charges, call witnesses, produce other evidence, and be assisted by others. The Athletic Council shall decide on the guilt or innocence of the student, based upon the evidence presented, and renders discipline as required by the Athletic Code. Guilt shall be established if the preponderance of evidence indicates guilt. Evidentiary rules required by a court of law are not required for purposes of school or athletic discipline. The Athletic Council shall consist of three varsity coaches, but not the varsity coach of a sport in which the accused student athlete participates. The Athletic Director and Principal shall not be a member of the Athletic Council.

  3. Notification: At the conclusion of the hearing, the Athletic Council shall render a decision to the athlete, and to the parents of the athlete. The Athletic Council's written decision shall be considered timely if it is mailed within three (3) school days of the hearing. The A.D. shall not sit as part of the Athletic Council, but shall be responsible for writing and mailing the decision of the Athletic Council as herein specified.

  4. Appeal to the Board of Education: In the event the athlete disagrees with the decision of the Athletic Council the athlete shall have the right to appeal the Athletic Council's decision to the Board of Education. To do so, the athlete must submit a written appeal to the Superintendent stating the grounds for appeal and the remedy sought within five (5) calendar days of receiving written notice of the Athletic Council's decision. The athlete's failure to follow this procedure will terminate the right to appeal. Discipline rendered shall continue in effect during the appeal process, not to exceed that set by the Athletic Code. The Board of Education shall convene a hearing within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of the athlete's appeal. Board shall render a decision at the conclusion hearing. The decision of the Board is final.

  5. The Coach / Athlete Relationship: Nothing contained in this policy shall interfere with the coaches' responsibility and right to speak freely with their athletes, to correct them, to discipline them for less serious incidents, to encourage proper attitudes and behaviors, and to maintain their authority as coach.